Peter White
April 22, 2017
8:00 PM
Hello, my fellow dear readers. There are certain things one can not help but love. These things include acoustic songs and British accents. The two are combined in Peter White. He is from England and is an acoustic jazz guitarist. As you may know, Jazz has never really been a love of mine. It is much more of my dad’s interest, as I previously mention of how my dad tried, when I was young, to get me to like it. But the thought of combining it with acoustic guitar and a british accent intrigues me. This may be one jazz performance that I might be the one dragging him to see.
Peter White’s sound is unique. He is a performer who truly loves music and its effects on those who hear it. He loves when his music can make a positive difference in someone’s life. That shows that not only does he care about his work, he also cares deeply about his fans. Performers who truly care about their audience, has the audience appreciate their artistic expression even more. Peter White seems to be the perfect blend of a musician and a caring, nice person. His music is also a brilliant combination of jazz and acoustic. This is going to be a wonderful performance. Come and see, my dear readers. I’m going.